Aaron Draplin

 If you are a Graphic Designer and you do not know about him or have never heard of him, it would benefit you greatly to invest a little time into studying him and his moves. Partially because he is a pure designer in process and execution BUT primarily because he is boldly human. I don't know how else to say that but it need be stated...especially at a time when the tech is overpowering the touch. 

I am in NO way a design investigative reporter. While it may seem odd for me to say that after advising you to look into him if you hadn't, it would be disingenuous for me to act like anything I am not. I don't own piles of design books, am not at every design conference, nor do I track every creative I am into. My schedule just isn't built like that. I am however, Human. Every time I have seen this man speak, it was meaningful. 

Recently, I saw a video...a dope video...where Aaron spoke lovingly about how people from all over the world draw pictures of him and how they populate his inbox. He went as far as to admit that sometimes, people get jobs based on him posting those pics on his accounts. This is NOT why I did this piece. His approach and perspective on Life and Design are what motivated me to tap dance on my Wacom Tablet. That and his beard. I draw hair a certain way. This just made sense. I just hope I did him justice and that I didn't butcher the Oregon hat too bad...
A Draplin


A Draplin
